Poster presentation at the 14th Australian Peptide Conference.
Veneno Technoloiges will participate the 14th Australian Peptide Conference to be held in Gold Coast, Australia to be held in Gold Coast, Australia.Dr. Taira, Director, […] -
Introduced as a remarkable AIST venture.
Veneno Technologies is introduced as a bio-venture that provides a new drug discovery platform based on research on tarantula venom at AIST (The National Institute […] -
Opened new laboratory.
Veneno Technologies Corporation is pleased to announce the opening of our laboratory in Tsukuba Center Inc.Address: 2-1-6 Sengen, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture, 305-0047, Japan -
Published in the Nikkei Biotech ONLINE
On January 24, 2022, an article introducing our company, “Veneno Technologies, a peptide drug discovery company, raises 200 million yen in seed round.” was published […]