Creating therapeutic Disulfide-Rich Peptides targeting transmembrane proteins including
ion channels,GPCRs, and transporters

Creating therapeutic Disulfide-Rich Peptides targeting transmembrane proteins including ion channels,GPCRs, and transporters
New Announcement of Joint Research Agreement with ASKA Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Announced.
Veneno Technologies, a Novel Bio-Active DRP Discovery Company, has entered into a joint research agreement with ASKA Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. For more information, please click here. -
New Announcement of Capital and Business Alliance Agreement with KH Neochem Co., Ltd. Announced.
Veneno Technologies, a Novel Bio-Active DRP Discovery Company, has signed Capital and Business Alliance Agreement with KH Neochem Co., Ltd. For more information, please click here. -
New Announcement of Joint Research Agreement with KYORIN Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Announced.
Veneno Technologies, a Novel Bio-Active DRP Discovery Company, has entered into a joint research agreement with KYORIN Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. For more information, please click here. -
New Announcement of Acquisition of AISol Startup Certification.
Veneno Technologies Co., Ltd. has been certified as an AISol Startup. For more information, please click here.

What is the DRP?
Rigid peptides with three or more disulfide bonds in the molecule
Excellent modality to target membrane proteins for drug discovery
High resistance to digestive enzymes
High thermal stability
Rigid peptides with three or more disulfide bonds in the molecule
Excellent modality to target membrane proteins for drug discovery
High resistance to digestive enzymesHigh thermal stability

PERISS (Periplasm Secretion and Selection)
Innovative peptide screening technology to target membrane proteins
- Evolutionary molecular engineering of peptides utilizing E. coli
- Input a large DRP library with a diversity of up to 1 billion
- Expression and targeting of full-length membrane proteins
such as ion channels and GPCRs in the inner membrane of E. coli
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PERISS (Periplasm Secretion and Selection)
Innovative peptide screening technology to target membrane proteins
Evolutionary molecular engineering of peptides utilizing E. coli
Input a large DRP library with a diversity of up to 1 billion
Expression and targeting of full-length membrane proteins such as ion channels and GPCRs in the inner membrane of E. coli
PERISS (Periplasm Secretion and Selection)
Innovative peptide screening technology to target membrane proteins
PERISS(Periplasm Secretion and Selection)
Innovative peptide screening technology to target membrane proteins
Evolutionary molecular engineering of peptides utilizing E. coli
Input a large DRP library with a diversity of up to 1 billion
Expression and targeting of full-length membrane proteins such as ion channels and GPCRs in the inner membrane of E. coli
Veneno Technologies Co. Ltd.
July 2020
2-1-6 Sengen, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0047, Japan
Kazunori Yoshikawa
Research and development of novel drug, agrichemicals, and biochemicals
Representative Director, President, CEO
Director, CSO and CTO
External Director
Our Business Models
We focus on two business models with a mission to develop peptide drugs and agrochemical ingredients based on DRP.
Drug Discovery Partnering
We develop tailor-made functional DRPs in collaboration with our clients using our screening platform technology.
License-out of In-house pipeline
We license out the developed drug candidate DRPs to pharmaceutical companies.
Veneno Technologies Co. Ltd.
2-1-6 Sengen Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0047, Japan